Sunday, March 20, 2022

Mom Life

Being a Mom is tough, don't get any time for yourself, always exhausted and burnt out! Making sure everyone is fed, clothed and have lots of diapers until they're ready for potty training! I always live with a lot of pain, it's really hard some day's, I do have good day's but they're few and far between! I love our boy's, I wished our oldest health was better for him, but he's very smart and catching up to where he should be! Yes he's still behind on some things but he's getting there at his own pace! Our youngest is doing great and learning well, he's ahead of his older brother but that's alright, they're not competing against each other! 
I would love to have break and clear my head of crap and get back to more positive thinking! I wished I had more friends to motivate and inspire me, but hey I'm not well liked, and either I push people away or they push me away! I would love for life to better for my family but all I can do is dream! I've been depressed, have had anxiety , sometimes I don't know how I do it, but I'm in constant survival mode it never ends! 

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