Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Well it's been a long time again. There has been a lot going on, ups & downs, sadness, depression & anxiety. Everything has worked out in time. I just live life too it's Fullest & take each day one day at a time! I do what I can when my health allows me too. I have my dreams & bucket list, but can't always have everything in life that you/I want in life!
   Dreams will always be dreams, I will do what I can with what I have. I appreciate the little things in life & I have no Regrets at all!! ;) <3

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin!
    Thanks for adding the Google + on Kawartha Lakes Mums Giveaway post!
    Do you have pics of your cats Pumpkin and Autumn?
    Each Friday we ask folks to share pics of their pets with us on our Facebook page. Tomorrow we are hoping our friends will share back to school themed pet pics!
    We are also posting links to Bacon Recipes, Bacon pics, basically anything about bacon today. Message us a link to something about bacon that you've posted, and we'll add it to our post!
